
Thursday, 28 March 2013

Homeopathic Harms Vol 4: OK, there's SOME evidence

This post is a taster of the the next in our series of blogposts following on from our SITP talk about the harms of homeopathy It's written by the marvellous @Skanky_fish

You can find the full blog post over at her blog, Evidence-Based Skepticism

Last time I discussed the problem of missing evidence of harm in homeopathy trials and consequently in systematic reviews.  This time, I’m going to discuss some evidence of harm that we DO have. Sadly, it’s not comforting.
In December 2012, a systematic review of the adverse effects of homeopathy was published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice (aside: for a quick explanation of systematic reviews and adverse effects, take a look at volume 2 in this blog series).  The authors of this review searched five databases of medical literature totalling nearly 50 million published trials (though likely with considerable overlap), and found just 38 articles that discussed case reports and case series of adverse events with homeopathy.